Quick and easy setup

Véritable® LED technology
Our high-end Véritable® LED technology is the result of 2 years of research and development. It employs a color spectrum adapted specifically for edible plants. The special color and performance ensure quick growth and develop the flavor of your plants.
The light is automatically controlled : it remains active for 16 hours a day and off during 8 hours in order to imitate the natural daylight cycle.
The Véritable® Garden
The Veritable® Garden doesn't need any natural light to grow, you can put it in a room without any windows.
The two lighting poles adjust independantly to adapt to different plant sizes and growth speed.
The Véritable® Garden is self sufficient It provides automated light, irrigation and nutrients to your plants. All you have to do is harvest! The water tank holds up to three week of watering. You can go on holidays and your Véritable® Garden will take care of everything while you're away..
Enjoy the Véritable® Lingot® technology (patented) : natural and ready to use refills.
Grow more than 70 varieties of plants thanks to the Lingots® : aromatic herbs, edible flowers, baby herb salad and baby vegetables.
Easy to use and efficient, the Lingot® composition is specific for each plant and contains :
- Organic seeds
- Organic soil
- Nutrients essential to each plant
All the parameters are controled and optimized (PH, humidity, nutrients concentration, roots aeration, spacing between seed, depth) which ensures regular harvests.
The Lingots® are 100% compostable et biodegradable. They contains no pesticides nor GMOs.
Each Véritable® Garden comes with 4 Lingots® (plant refills) of your choice.
The Lingots® can be stored 1 year before use, in a cool and dry place. After this time, the germination rate can decrease.
The Véritable® Garden is an combination of technologies that provide the perfect growing conditions for each type of plant and ensures high qualify and plentiful harvests.
Plants are ready to be eaten in just 4 weeks and each Lingot® guarantees regular harvest for 4 to 6 months.
- The packaging is eco-designed and recyclable
- The product is recyclable and its refills are 100% biodegradable
- It saves energy in your home thanks to LED technology
Made in France
Our partners were selected in the Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne region for their skills, expertise and engagement in responsible and local business
We are proud to have met our goal: we design, manufacture and assemble all of our products in France.